Welcome Home, Beautiful!

Discover the magic within you with "The Spiritpreneurs," a holistic business lifestyle course designed by Charmaine, the visionary behind EssenceTree.

From a shy girl in Philadelphia to a bold entrepreneur on Wall Street, Charmaine’s journey is a testament to the power of true beauty and intentional living. Now, she’s here to guide you through crafting your own thriving retail business, infused with the wisdom of nature and sisterhood.

What Will You Gain? If Selected, You'll Gain...

  • Empowerment

    Tap into your innate magic and transform it into a thriving business.

  • Connection

    Harness the sisterhood of like-minded women, all embarking on their entrepreneurial journeys.

  • Wisdom

    Utilize luxurious, natural tools—essential oils, organic herbs, gemstones—to elevate your brand and your spirit.